
Biocybernetic Medicine

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration”
– Nikola Tesla

Welcome to Kintsugi Wellness

Jill Briska
Jill P Briska, D.C. owner of Kintsugi Wellness

The philosophy on which I built Kintsugi Wellness is that each person is an individual and their healthcare should be too. I have many years of professional and personal experience with matters of health. I will happily make my recommendations and give you guidance, but what is most important is that YOU have the final say in your care. Doing this allows you to own it and to believe in it.  I am not into scare tactics or hard sells. That’s yucky for everyone!  It has been my experience over the course of my 20+ years as a chiropractor, that the majority of people are in tune with their bodies, and that fact must be respected. You are the majority stock holder in this venture and I see myself as your partner on your path to health.

I operate under the principle that illness is merely a symptom of a body and its immune system being confused. Mind you, I did not say weak- it is confused. The immune system is like a well conditioned boxer going into a fight. Bombarded daily with things that negatively effect the immune system is like putting a blindfold on him! He is strong and very capable to fight, but he’s confused and can’t see what to do. My goal is take the blindfold off so your immune system can fight the fight. The good news is that by working WITH the body, not forcing it into submission that confusion can resolve naturally! Does anyone like to be forced into submission or silenced and overrode? NO! Your immune system doesn’t like it either.

Kintsugi Wellness is based on WELLNESS. I don’t diagnose illnesses, I instead help your body to find balance by helping the body to help itself. One of the reasons I don’t take insurance is because sadly, most insurance in this country will not pay for many effective alternative and complementary therapies that help maintain health. What insurance will pay for is a diagnosis code of an active illness, dysfunction or disease. Insurance pays when a patient already has an illness not for the patient to prevent illness. The treatment protocol for the illness is only within their set parameters and often drugs or surgery is preferred.  If you choose to come to see me for wellness care and you tell me something is going on or something is revealed that I feel you need to see someone about (for example to get blood work) I will tell you to see your doctor or help refer you to someone that can help you. I believe that doctors and health practitioners- traditional and alternative- should work together for the benefit of the patient. Not everything can be treated naturally and there is certainly a time and place for drugs or surgery.

I am a chiropractor but my focus is on balancing the immune system and frequencies of the body with Energy Medicine. Flourish Quantum Healing Home System and Cyberscan/Biocybernetic Medicine are the ways I do that. In office, I offer gentle chiropractic maintenance adjusting. I can suggest home exercises or lifestyle modifications to keep you structurally sound and you spine aligned. There are many wonderfully skilled chiropractors that focus on musculoskeletal injuries, rehabilitation and physical therapy and can get you back on track after say a car accident or back surgery. I have chosen not to focus on these type cases.

My true passion is helping those that have tried everything and nothing has helped. Maybe your doctor has told you that you are imagining your symptoms. Perhaps you are dealing with a chronic illness or are autoimmune, have migraines, addictions or Lymes. If you are feeling you are not being heard, you have gone from doctor to doctor and have run out of options- please call me! I have been there and it’s a terrible place to be. Or, maybe you are simply someone wanting a say in your treatment, to take charge of your own healthcare and are ready to try a non-traditional approach that mixes art and science. Whoever you are- you are welcome here!

Introduction of Flourish Quantum Healing Home System

Triad of Health Assessment

The warning signs of imbalanced health are often overlooked. Use this checklist to find out if you or someone you know is at risk. 

Read the statements below & answer YES or NO. Total your score & find out how balanced your health is below. 

1. I don’t exercise regularly 
2. I sleep less than 7 hours a night 
3. I have chronic aches and pain
4. I have had significant accidents or injuries
5. I have digestive issues 
6. I have long periods of sitting for long periods of standing
7. I do not get regular physicals and bloodwork
8. I am not good about brushing and flossing
9. I keep my cell phone on my bedside table each night
10. I have more than 2 cups of coffee or cans of pop each day
11. I smoke, drink or use recreational drugs on a weekly basis
12. I have been immunized 
13. My house has WiFi
14. I use traditional household cleaning products
15. I eat fast food/ processed food each week
16. My body products and makeup are not organic and scent free
17. I have lost interest or pleasure in doing things
18. I am dissatisfied with my family, intimate or working relationships
19. I have been abused mentally physically verbally or financially
20. I have excessive worry, fear or anxiety
21. I am easily angered or short tempered
22. I have difficulty with concentration and memory
23. I often feel down and depressed or hopeless
24. I am dissatisfied with the quality of my life

In order to lead a healthy, full life, there are three aspects of health to balance: Structural, Chemical (which includes nutrition) and Emotional. This is called the TRIAD OF HEALTH. All sides are equally important!

How did you do?

How many YES’s for questions 1-8? This assesses your STRUCTURAL health. This is what you do and how your body functions, all the way down to the cellular level. This includes consistent physical activity and proper function of your physical body. 

How many YES’s for questions 9-16? This assesses your CHEMICAL health. This involves every function of your body. This side of the triad includes what you eat, drink, breathe, absorb, or consume in any way. Your body is a fantastic chemical laboratory- the substances you choose to expose it to effect its intricate functions and processes.

How many YES’s for questions 17-24? This is us is your EMOTIONAL health. This encompasses emotional, mental and spiritual health. This side of the triad includes what you think, how are you think, your relationships, and your attitude. Those wanting true and complete health cannot dismiss the side of the triad. 

If you had 2 or fewer checks in any one area- you are doing great! Recheck your score in 6 months. Dr Briska can discuss with you how to continue to keep your Triad of Health balanced! 

If you had 3 checks in any one area you are at moderate risk of imbalanced health and should see what can be done now to improve any health imbalances. Dr Briska can help direct you and share information how to better balance your Triad of Health. 

If you had 4 or more checks in any one area you are at high risk of imbalanced health. Contact Dr. Briska today for more information on how to balance your Triad of Health and decrease your risk of illness and disease in the future. 

Remember that warning signs suggest risk, but do not represent a diagnosis of any condition.

Health & Wellness Talks

Dr Briska is available for health & wellness talks that can be customized for your group or company. She also works with health practitioners and veterinarians across the country looking to offer CyberScan and the Flourish Quantum Healing Home System to their existing patients through their own office. The service is offered remotely for convenience to patient and practitioner. Contact Dr Briska for more info.

"How to Start the Nutritional Counseling Conversation with Patients"

An article Dr. Jill Briska wrote in March of 2020 for Chiropractic Economics:

Kintsugi Wellness


Jill P Briska D.C.

Office Hours by Appointment
1263 S. Highland Ave Ste 1A
Lombard, IL 60148

Please contact Dr. Briska any questions you might have about if CyberScan is right for you. You may also find her taking about CyberScan on YouTube and other social media platforms.

If you have specific questions and would like to speak to her personally 1 hour phone consultations are available for $200. Contact me for more information about booking an appointment.

(630) 412-1852